When Variables Cascade

@ SmashingConf Austin
<a css={css`


The current value Of the Color Property


html {
--property: hsl(329.8 67.7% 57.5%);

a {
color: var(--property);

.ಠ_ಠ {
  --(╯°□°)╯: ︵┻━┻;
} is valid CSS.

– Tab Atkins, @tabatkins

// colors
$brand-color: hsl(330, 100%, 45%);
$action: $brand-color;

// sizes
$gutter: 1.5rem;
$spacer: $gutter * 3;
html {
/* colors */
--brand-color: hsl(330, 100%, 45%);
--action: var(--brand-color);

/* sizes */
--gutter: 1.5rem;
--spacer: calc(var(--gutter) * 3);

Define CSS Properties From Sass Variables

$gutter: 1rem;
html { --gutter: #{$gutter}; }
$brand-colors: (
'brand-blue': hsl(195, 52%, 31%),
'brand-orange': hsl(24, 100%, 62%),
'brand-pink': hsl(330, 100%, 45%),
html {
@for $name, $value in $brand-colors {
--#{$name}: #{$value};

Custom Properties

defined by systems, components, etc

Different States

hover, focus, active, etc

Different Variations

info, warning, error, etc

Different Context

light/dark mode, viewports, etc

  1. 🗺 Origin &importance
  2. 🎯 Selector Specificity
  3. ⏭ Source Order

Layered Origins

  1. 🎨 Author Styles
  2. 👥 User Preferences
  3. 🖥 User Agent Defaults
  1. ❗🖥 User Agent Important
  2. ❗👥 User Important
  3. ❗🎨 Author Important
  4. 🎨 Author Styles
  5. 👥 User Preferences
  6. 🖥 User Agent Defaults
  1. 🎠 Transitions
  2. ❗🖥 User Agent Important
  3. ❗👥 User Important
  4. ❗🎨 Author Important
  5. 🏇🏽 Animations
  6. 🎨 Author Styles
  7. 👥 User Preferences
  8. 🖥 User Agent Defaults
  1. Inline styles
  2. Unique IDs
  3. Reusable classes & attributes
  4. Element types
  5. Universal *

For contextual styling Proximity Matters

Reset Inheritance With Explicit Selectors

Define Locally

button {
--btn-color: green;

Define Universally

Functionally “turns off” inheritance

* {
--border-width: 0;

Complex Selectors

.typeset > * {
--grid-area: content;

Define Nowhere

.typeset > * {
grid-area: var(--grid-area);

Define Nowhere

.typeset > * {
grid-area: var(--grid-area, content);

Fallback for Undefined Properties

Font Stacks

font-family: Consolas, Menlo, 'Courier New', monospace;

Undefined properties Allow Inherited Values

Unlike normal properties We Can Apply Selectively

Global keywords Resolve on Custom Properties

They are not passed along as a value

Global keywords Inherit, Initial, Unset, Revert

Universal Un-Define

* {
--grid-area: initial;

Layering Modifiers

  1. State
  2. Variation
  3. Object
  4. Context
  5. Global Defaults

Layering Modifiers

  1. State
  2. Variation
  3. Context
  4. Object
  5. Global Defaults

Font Stacks

Consolas, Menlo, 'Courier New', monospace

Intent Stacks

state, variation, object, context, default

var( --name , fallback)

Only One Fallback

Allows List Values

var(--my-font, Baskerville, Georgia, serif)

Nested Fallbacks

var(--my-color, var(--other-color, pink))

[data-theme] {
background-color: var(--theme-bg, var(--global-bg));
color: var(--theme-color, var(--global-color));
[data-theme='light'] {
--theme-bg: var(--neutral-light);
--theme-color: var(--neutral-dark);
--theme-link: var(--primary-dark);

[data-theme='dark'] {
--theme-bg: var(--neutral-dark);
--theme-color: var(--neutral-light);
--theme-link: var(--primary-light);
html {
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
--os-mode: -1;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
--os-mode: 1;
[data-colors='light'] {
--html-mode: 1;

[data-colors='dark'] {
--html-mode: -1;
[data-colors] {
--mode: var(
--user-mode, var(
--html-mode, var(
--os-mode, 1

Extending Selectors

The Sass @extends feature

<div class="media">
<img class="fixedMedia" src="myImg.png" />
<div class="text">...</div>

Extend Objects By Applying Multiple Classes

<div class="media media_reverse">
<img class="fixedMedia" src="myImg.png" />
<div class="text">...</div>
<div class="media media_rounded">
<img class="fixedMedia" src="myImg.png" />
<div class="text">...</div>

Custom Properties Are Not Just Variables

Attribute Selectors Provide An Interface

  • [attr]Presence (even if empty)
  • [attr="..."]Exact match
  • [attr*="..."]Any match
  • [attr~="..."]Space-delimited (like classes)
  • [attr|="..."]Hyphen-delimited
  • [attr^="..."]Starts with…
  • [attr$="..."]Ends with…
  • [attr="..." i|s]Case sensitivity