content should be viewable and accessible bydefault
InDesign doesn’t worryabout
accidental overflow can be found andfixed
before we hitpublish
and then it stays the way we designedit
Graphic design of unknown content with unknown collaborators, on an infinite and unknowable canvas, across operating systems, interfaces, languages, and writing modes…
It’s absurd.
There are too many variables to consider. The point of CSS is to make it so you don’t have to worry about themall.
Keith J Grant
CSS is
A Declarative Language
/* a 'declaration' */ property: value;
write our hints as declarations,
a property and a value
width: 500px;
Declare seemingly simpleconcepts
width of abox
text-wrap: pretty;
More abstract concepts
wrapping text so it looks‘pretty’
(whatever that means)
width: 500px;
Even the concepts that seem ‘simple’, hide deepercomplexity
Should our box be smaller
on a screen that has higherresolution?
To me, this meme
perfectly captures
what is actually awesome
about CSS –
and how we can go wrong
by taking too much control
without considering the consequences.
So how can we lighten our griphere?